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Restaurant Epoch

Restaurant Epoch, Astana

Life of millions people was connected with USSR, which was collapse in the last ten-year of XX century. During 70 years of its existence the communistic system brought up generations of working people, united nations, but also deprived them of some liberty. Today this period in the history of many countries, formed after collapse of Soviet Union, is called the Epoch of totalitarianism, or just Epoch.
The new generation of people has already grown up, who did not know about this Epoch and just heard about “great country, which occupied the sixth part of land” from words of their parents. But today many of them has the opportunity to be plunged into the atmosphere of already non-existent power – the restaurant “Epoch” can take you to the times of Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev and Brejnev.
The menu of the restaurant is based on the cuisines of nations, lived in Soviet Union. The live music supplement the colored atmosphere – there are the hits of soviet period, which glorify the friendship of nations, proud of the native land and the striving for brighter future. The interior of halls is decorated by symbols of communism – red banners, portraits and busts of leaders of the state, press cutting with patriotic slogans and, of course, the principal symbol of the state “Hammer and Sickle”.
The thematic restaurant “Epoch” hardly leaves someone indifferent. The visitors of elder generation will have the opportunity to remember those optimistic years, full of proud of their great power. And young generation will have the good chance to acquaint with that time, when people together strived for building the ideal state.

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